
Since 1988, the Wireless Networks Group (WNG) has carried out consulting, teaching and research activities related with several fields including mobile communications, wireless networks, communications protocols and content adaptation.

Some of the aforementioned tasks have been done for leading companies and organizations, such as: Telefónica, Vodafone, Retevisión, Alcatel, Sener, Doxa, Unitek, Fecsa, Institut Català de Tecnologia (Catalan Institute of Technology), Associació Catalana d'Enginyers de Telecomunicació (Catalan Association of Telecommunication Engineers), Centre de Telecomunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Telecommunications Center of the Catalan Government), etc.

The research activites of the WNG are in many cases undergone through public funded research projects, mainly involving the Spanish Government and the European Comission. Several WNG members actively participate in project proposals evaluation and reviews within the aforementioned organizations.

The WNG has published a significant number of works in journals (either JCR ones or science popularization ones) and in conference proceedings. On the other hand, several members of the group take an active part in technical program commitees of international conferences and in review processes of papers submitted to journals and conferences.

The Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) is a public organization with a will to serve society. It offers a wide education in technical, arts and human areas. UPC is leading many research fields and is related with society interests, specially with productive sectors. Research capacity of UPC is based in 42 departments and 6 university institutes with a growing number of specific research centers and basic centers which collaborate with other organizations.

Contact adress

e-mail: wng (at)

Anna Calveras
Tel: 93 401 6013
e-mail: anna.calveras (at)

Departament Enginyeria Telemàtica (EnTel)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Campus Nord, Mod. C3
C/ Jordi Girona 1-3, Barcelona 08034

Fax: 93 401 10 58